It’s here!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you’re all well and if you’re in the Northeast, I hope you’re embracing the change of weather. Welcome Fall, my favorite season!

Okay, this post is not about Fall and how much I love it. I have news.

I am so happy (and slightly terrified) to announce the release of my new book, The Fabric Of Us, now available in both the Kindle version and paperback on Amazon.

I’m excited to share Chris and Olivia’s story with you all. I love these characters and I hope you fall in love with them too.

Here is the blurb for The Fabric Of Us:

On the eve of Olivia Bennet’s fiftieth birthday, she and her husband, Chris, toast to the next stage of their lives. Their children are settled; Ella is married and planning a family and Nick is starting his senior year at college. After thirty years of sacrifices and struggles for their family, it is finally time to do all the things they’ve dreamed to do as a couple.

Always unpredictable, life has other plans for the Bennets when Olivia gets shocking news that threatens all that she and Chris have built together.

* * *

Alternating between the past and present, THE FABRIC OF US beautifully unfolds the layers of a devoted marriage, exposing an interwoven thread of secrets and consequences that threaten to unravel a relationship once believed to be built on love, trust and faith.



So comfy up on the couch, grab a blanket and sip a pumpkin beer. Tis the season. Happy reading!


Summer Giveaway

Hi Everyone,

Happy summer! They’re here, those lazy days we spend under the sun, reading and relaxing.  I am thrilled to be a part of the Dog Eared Days of Summer Book Giveaway.

For 12 weeks, Dog Eared Days will be giving away books of various genres, from children’s books, mysteries, humor, adventure and historical fiction. We’re already in week 4, so check out

This week I’m giving away 2 copies of Both Sides of Love.

To enter, just click here:


I’ll be back July 23-29 to give away copies of Letting Go.

The grand prize giveaway will go to one lucky winner who will win all eleven books. It’s going to be a great season!

Don’t forget your sunblock. Happy reading!



Happy New Year!

christmas-2014-24649743As we embark on another new year, we are surrounded by goals and promises thrown about like confetti.  I’m not one of those people who makes resolutions like dieting, or exercising everyday, or being nicer to my children.

It works out much better for me this way. When I eat an apple instead of cake, go for a walk with the girls at the beach, or not lose patience with the boys, I’m pleasantly surprised…

This year, I’ll just continue writing and reading as much as possible, and keep to my Chocolate-tarian diet: a diet I’ve perfected, where chocolate accompanies every meal. You should try it. I guarantee it will make you happy and you’ll never quit.

Today is January 2nd. My children went to school and I had the day off. We’re expecting a snowstorm later, so schools will be closed tomorrow and we’ll be hunkered down, cozy in the house, while the howling, frigid winds and white stuff surround us.  

Do you know what that means?

I’ll have another full day to write!

Occasionally, I might stop to fortify myself. I’ve strategically placed a healthy bowl of chocolate kisses beside me (I don’t even have to get up from the couch).

Hypothetically, if I were to make resolutions, I would promise to self-publish this year, read 40 books, finish another manuscript, blog more often, and spend more quality time with our boys (without TV or handheld devices).

Hypothetically, I’d devote more time to these tasks, somehow further manipulate my schedule around my job and packed schedules of two active children.

These are some I would make, if I was the type of person to make resolutions — which I’m not.

Does anyone else not make New Year resolutions?  I’d love to know.

I hope 2014 brings you good health and happiness.

I saw this New Year quote from Brad Paisley and thought I would share it:

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.”