#NEW Rosie’s Book Club Resources

Hello Friends,

I have been a happy follower of Rosie Amber’s blog for some time now. Rosie is an avid reader and book reviewer who’s goal is to connect readers and authors through her reviews and various posts. She has amassed a wonderful team of reviewers who offer their perspectives daily on a variety of genres.

Now, Rosie has added a resource for book clubs! So, if you’re part of a club, check out the 5-star books rated by Rosie’s team. You will have an opportunity to contact the author as well. I’m honored to note, Both Sides of Love was chosen as one of the many books on this list.

Click on the link below to connect directly to Rosie’s site. Happy reading!

Resources for Book Clubs Appledore Book Festival, Devon, September 23rd- October 2nd details here Bath Kids Literary Festival September 30th – October 9th details here Tenby arts festival Sep…

Source: #NEW Rosie’s Book Club Resources

Just checking in…

Hello Friends,

Welcome to November. This is it. Halloween is over. The “season” is upon us. The time of year where we face the daily countdown to you-know-when and fight to win the merciless race against the holiday clock, all while maintaining a jolly disposition. I’m not worried. Everything gets done. Then I celebrate with a pajama marathon of my own in front of the fireplace with wine and my kindle.

Someone somewhere decided that we should all get a head start by turning our clocks back an hour. Woo hoo. A whole hour. Still, I’ll take it. I could use the sleep.

My son turns seventeen this month, which is weird because I’m still only thirty. The mirror tells me otherwise, but in my mind, I’m still that new mom worried about her little baby. Except this baby is taking his road test next week and I’ll have to face the fact that one day very soon, days maybe, I’ll hand him car keys and say goodbye. Be careful. Come back…with mint chocolate chip ice cream, if possible. Okay, there is an upside.

My second book, Letting Go, a story very close to my heart, was released in September. It’s doing well. In fact, I will be a guest at a book club tomorrow where they will be discussing it. I’m so looking forward to hearing the group’s responses. It’s a wonderful learning experience for me to hear how readers react to my book, both positively and negatively.


I recently finished Circling The Sun, by Paula McClain, based on Beryl Markham’s early life in Kenya before she flew solo (the first woman to do it) across the Atlantic from east to west. If you enjoyed The Paris Wife, I highly recommend this. McClain is a wonderful writer. I’d never heard of Beryl Markham and now I’ve added her own book, West With the Night, to my TBR list.

Then I re-read On The Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves because I remember loving it so much years ago. I loved it again. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do. She self-published that one, you know. It’s still my favorite of her books. Lastly, I read In A Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. A bit dark (no, I’m not trying to be funny) and predictable, but it moved along quickly and kept my interest.  CirclingSun

OTI original cover

So, that’s about it for now. I hope you’re all doing well. I’ll be back before the real craziness sets in. Take a breath.

What are your plans for the upcoming season?


Labor of Love

Seventeen years ago, my husband and I walked into a stranger’s home. Upon entering, we were escorted to the basement and into a room where several other couples sat, in the same predicament as us. I was eight months pregnant with our first child.

Welcome to Lamaze class.

The instructor and homeowner was Celeste, a labor and delivery nurse at our local hospital who, in the evenings, kindly and calmly explained to pregnant couples what awaited us. Over the course of three weeks, we learned to breathe through pain, learned the procedures of the hospital, saw some disturbing films and when our classes were over, bid goodbye to lovely Celeste.

Labor is hard. It hurts like hell. I felt my first pangs of discomfort at one o’clock in the morning the day after Thanksgiving. I was in the hospital begging for an epidural by three. To our surprise and pleasure, Celeste was on her shift when Steve and I were admitted. It was Celeste who held my hands, stared into my eyes and guided me through the painful epidural, Celeste who stopped into my room intermittently while we waited, with her calm demeanor, her supportive words and encouraging smiles.

Our baby arrived at eight o’clock in the morning. As all nine pounds- thirteen ounces of him were cleaned and weighed, Celeste came into the delivery room to see us and to meet our son before she went home.

Every mother has a labor story. The testimony of giving birth is proof of our initiation into motherhood, the hazing that we survived in order to be part of life’s most coveted sorority. My labor story always includes Celeste: how she was there for me when I needed her, how she stayed at work well after her shift was over to meet our son. She played an important role in the most significant event of our lives. I hardly remember another single soul from that night. I have been talking about her since November, 1998. I hadn’t seen her since then.

Last night I was invited to be a guest at a book club that was discussing Both Sides of Love. At Celeste’s house. To say I was looking forward to this night is an understatement. True to form, she greeted me with a wide smile and encompassing embrace. Seventeen years melted away in that moment and she held me like an old friend.

Celeste belongs to a book club that is comprised of labor and delivery nurses from her hospital: a loud, entertaining group of woman who made careers of bringing lives into the world. Stories? They had plenty. They didn’t talk about their work, mind you – they had enough to share on their own. I blushed and laughed all night as I sat among them, feeling welcome.

As they discussed Beth and Daniel’s story, and shared stories of their own that moved me, I took in every friendly, open face around the room and thought of all of the lucky pregnant women who would soon meet them. When I said goodbye to each one at the end of the night, I accepted their well-wishes with gratitude.

Celeste and I had a few minutes alone. A lot of years have passed since we’ve met. A lot has happened. Speaking with her felt like something I’d been doing for a long time.

Seventeen years ago I walked into a stranger’s home. Last night I drove away from a friend and someone who will always hold a place in my heart.

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One Smart Cookie

Hello Friends,

I have a small fortune-cookie note taped to my desk (no joke – it’s been there awhile). It says:

Do what you love and the necessary resources will follow.

Here’s a (slightly fuzzy) picture of it:


Pretty good, right?

It’s not easy. And I must be a tad kookie to hold onto a mass-produced fortune note that I found inside a crisp cookie served along with my sesame chicken and egg roll. (Did you know that they don’t serve fortune cookies in China and although popularized in America by the Chinese, they were actually introduced by the Japanese?). My twelve-year-old could have opened this cookie and I could have gotten the one that said: You love Chinese Food.

But I didn’t. I was the receiver of the prolific statement. And I took it to heart.

So, as I embark on another year, I continue to push forward with my writing.  My second book, tentatively titled Letting Go, is finished and with my editor. I plan to have it out before summer this year.

Both Sides of Love will soon be available in your local library! I’m in the process of obtaining a Library of Congress number which will allow libraries across the country to carry it. In the meantime, I was pleased to find out that readers on Long Island have already borrowed copies from their libraries.

I had another amazing visit with a local book club the first week in January- a new group who has only been together for four months. Can’t think of a better way to start 2015. I never tire of these visits and I’m so happy to have made many new friends this past year. Here is a picture of us:



I’m not saying the fortune cookie was responsible for setting me on my path. That’s just silly. But when I have doubts, setbacks or simply find myself asking Why?,  I look over, see that tiny scroll of paper and think, Yes, Kim, keep doing it. You’re almost there.


Happy weekend everyone!


Book Club Love

I love book clubs.

They are more than groups of women who gather together to discuss literary works every month. They are a bonded sorority who meet to support, cultivate friendships, vent, share beauty tips and yes, drink wine.

When I was still knee-deep in writing and editing Both Sides of Love last year, one group of women, who refer to themselves as Booked For Drinks, agreed to read my manuscript and offered thoughtful critiques that were extremely helpful. Then they invited me to join them at one of their meetings – my very first invitation to a book club as an author. I was and still am grateful.

This past month, I enjoyed the privilege of being invited as a guest author to two vastly different book club meetings.

The first comprised of six lovely women, who immediately put me at ease. We sat around a dining table and enjoyed an intimate discussion of the book where I learned, much to my glee, how each woman connected to the story, their thoughts on the relationships of the characters, and their responses to the conclusion. We then segued into comfortable conversation and I reluctantly left.

The second club had twenty members, the largest I’ve seen. We filled a large living room – chairs stacked behind one another – as I sat on the couch, slightly frazzled, and answered questions thrown at me from all angles. Not quite the intimate experience of the previous week, but it was wonderful. These women were kind, inquisitive, funny and they seemed to really enjoy the book, which is all I want. Then they presented me with a gift. For once, I was speechless.

Both Sides of Love, my first novel, was a labor of love. To think that people are reading it, enjoying it and welcoming me into their homes to talk about characters I created in my mind is a dream come true.

Thank you Anita, Fran, Christine, Lisa, Chris and Tina for opening your hearts to me. I still think you should have a name. How about Coco-Nuts for Books?


To Jill, Colleen, and the amazing group who welcomed me with enthusiasm, smiles and made me laugh (ever see three wine-filled, giddy women try to take a selfie?), my heart is full.


I’ve been invited to another book club event in July. I can’t wait.

Here’s a spoiler…I show up with Beth’s crumb cake. 🙂

Happy Reading.

Much Ado About Love

Last month, Lit Ladies (book club no.1) decided to take a trip into NYC to see Much Ado About Nothing, an off, off (take the A train downtown), off broadway play.

I am only slightly familiar with Shakespeare’s work, thanks to Mel Gibson’s movie, Hamlet, back when Mel Gibson was hot. And I recall, vaguely, reading King Lear in high school. That’s pretty much the extent of my Shakespeare knowledge.

Much Ado About Nothing was a comedy, I was told, which was perfect. I needed a good laugh.

For the purposes of keeping this reasonably short, I’ll bypass the pre-play festivities, which include the debacle of trying to get nine naive, suburban girls into the subway. A story for another day (and a funny one, too. I promise).

As we settled into the theatre, the lights dimmed, the audience hushed, and the actors walked onto the stage dressed in contemporary clothing. My earlier ambivalence about seeing the play diminished, and my hopes lifted.

Until one actor opened his mouth and spoke ye olde English.

During the initial dialogue, all nine of us glanced back and forth to each other, to see if anyone understood. Sure enough, no one did. When the rest of the audience laughed, we shrugged. How could we be so lost? How did everyone else understand what was going on?

I needed subtitles. Or an interpretor. Or a nap. (We had just enjoyed dinner down the street and of course, this book club doesn’t call themselves Lit Ladies because they like to eat).

I closed my eyes briefly, blaming the vodka, and not the fact that my brain hurt trying to understand what these people were saying. I was grateful to have paid only $22. for my ticket (Groupon). Small gifts.

We were well into the second half when I finally caught on to the story. It must be similar to watching an Opera sung in Italian; how eventually you get the gist of a story by facial expressions and reactions. From what I could surmise, MAAN was about the courtship of two couples, one of whom is tricked into confessing their love for each other.  As I laughed with the rest of the audience, I felt really good to be involved in something that was written 500 years before I was born.

Overall, Lit Ladies agreed, though slow to start (for us), it was not bad.

I didn’t give William much thought after that night, until a few days later.

I was watching an old rerun of Mad About You and during a tender scene, Jamie happened to quote Juliet, from Romeo and Juliet. Maybe it was the way she said it, or the circumstance under which it was whispered (Paul was having an operation), but I understood, with such clarity, every word. It stayed with me for days.

It was about love.  This was the quote: 

“When he shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Well, I started looking for other Shakespeare quotes and found this:

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt thou the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.
(Hamlet, 2.2)

And this:

When Love speaks, the voice of all the gods
Makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.
(Love’s Labour’s Lost, 4.3)

There are so many stirring quotes written by this man (that I actually understand), but I won’t list them here. Suffice it to say, I spent an afternoon falling in love with his words. If you haven’t had the pleasure,  take a gander at Romeo and Juliet. It’s a wonderfully romantic, lyrical experience.

Shakespeare may speak in circles, and I may not understand most of what he wrote, but the man knew love.